
How to choose the right skin products and routine

The skin is the largest single organ in the human body and the most visible so we all want it to be clear, soft, glowing and supple. But how do we choose the right skin products and routine? How do we know what will work best for our skin, especially when there are so many different products out there right now?

The first and most important thing you need to do is to really understand your skin. Examine your skin closely and work out what kind of skin type you have. Knowing whether you have dry or oily skin, or combination skin will help you to better determine what products you need. Research skin types and see if you can identify your own. Or, if you need to, speak to a skin expert to discover what your skin type is.

Once you are armed with this information, you need to find the right skin products to keep it in check. Again, this requires research to find out what kind of products and ingredients your skin type will react to best. Cleansers, moisturisers and skincare masks and peels can all tackle different skin issues depending on their active ingredients. For example, a peel off mask is often a type of exfoliant and can help slough away dead skin cells, reducing pore size and boosting complexion.

Meanwhile, a gel mask tends to be most effective in cases where dry skin needs an influx of moisture to leave it looking softer and more even. Knowing exactly what your skin needs (and remember this can vary depending on factors such as the weather and the environmental conditions) means that you will be better able to choose the right skincare masks and peels. Always look at their ingredients and what benefits they will bring to your skin.

When it comes to the ‘right’ routine for your skin, there is no definitive answer. In fact, in which order you should use different skincare products is a subject of debate, with many skincare experts offering different opinions on it. Most agree that the first thing to do is to cleanse to take away the day’s dirt and grime, and ‘cleanse, tone and moisturise’ remains the standard. But at what point do you use skincare masks and peels? Or eye creams? Or serums?

The answer here, again, is to really get to know your skin. Find out what works best for you by trying things out and seeing what routine delivers the best results for your skin. Listen to what your skin needs. For example, some skincare experts advocate using skincare masks and peels at the end of the day. Others say the morning is the best time. Much will depend upon what you want to achieve, for example, you may want to wake up and pep up your skin? Do it in the morning

Want to deep cleanse your skin after a busy day? Use a Que Bella peel off mask in the evening. Why not explore our range and find out what your skin needs and work out what works for you? It may take a little while to get there but once you do, your skin will thank you for it.

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